Welcome to Barton Bees WI
We were founded in July 2017 when over 100 local ladies were looking for friendship, fun and a sense of belonging

​A lot of us were new to the area and keen to meet like-minded people.
The Women's Institute is well known for good food, learning, friendship and crafts, so it was decided to form a new 'Barton Bees WI' and become a part of this amazing national organisation.
Our Committee
As with all clubs, things don't just happen, we have a hard working dedicated committee who work tirelessly to provide us with interesting meetings and events and keep us all updated.
We also encourage ALL members to actively take part in organising and helping make this a great club.

Keeping up with the times
We are a modern group, who only use this website, email and WhatsApp for communications.
And all monies have to paid directly into our bank account online and you will be provided with a reference to quote for each event/activity:
Barton Bees WI
30 - 98 - 97
The WI membership runs from 1st April to 31st March each year. However, being such an active group, we have quite a list of people waiting to join us, so unfortunately, our waiting list is currently closed.
But feel free to Contact Us for any other information

The Women's Institute
The Women's Institute is an organisation that dates back to 1897,
there are nearly 7000 groups throughout the UK, with over 220,000 members.
The National Federation is split into regions and then further down into groups. Barton Bees is part of the 'Brockenhurst Group' which is within the 'Hampshire Region' of WI's.
If you would like further information about the WI, please go to: HCFWI website